About Us

Nebraska Nursing Consultants (NNC) was established in 1991. NNC is a registry of professional nurses in private practice, located in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 2016 we proudly celebrated our 25th Anniversary!
We are Registered Nurses with expertise in many facets of health care. Click here to learn of our services.
NNC has grown steadily. Word-of-mouth and professional referrals have secured our respected place in the health care community. Aside from the numerous professional organizations Nebraska Nursing Consultants nurses participate in, NNC is itself a member the Coalition of Older Adult Health Promotion and the Lincoln End of Life Coalition.
Carol McShane, RN, MS, CMC is the founding president and clinical director of the company.
Click here to read about the founding of the company, a story -- "Long Distance Crisis" -- likely to mirror concerns that many adult children have about their distant parents.
Our Philosophy
We believe that attaining and maintaining good health and/or maximum comfort is best achieved when people are informed, medications and treatments are monitored, simpler interventions are employed early, and care is coordinated.
The services we offer run the gamut from simple to comprehensive. We honor the needs of our clients whether they are as mundane as foot care or as challenging as care management. We believe that services should be flexible because health is not stagnant and needs change.
But when all is said and done, if we advocate and coordinate, if we monitor medications, and initiate simple interventions early but we neglect the client’s spirit, we have missed the essence of caring. Alas, joy — the expression of spirit — can be elusive. We believe that helping clients find joy is an essential part of caring.
Who We Are
Nebraska Nursing Consultants Registered Nurses are independent practitioners joined under the banner of the NNC registry. Although each nurse works out of her own home, we keep in close contact with one another and, of course, take calls for each other when the primary nurse is unavailable.

We all have years of experience grounded in basic hospital practice. We have had valuable experience providing care for young adults, adults and elders. We have worked in a variety of settings including public health, occupational health, orthopedics, transplants, and critical care. We have practiced in acute care hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes, wellness clinics, home health, and hospice. Each nurse on the NNC registry is an expert in her own right.
We practice primary care nursing. This means that each client is linked to one primary nurse. We take pride in the fact that our services are highly professional and distinctly personal—tailored to meet the unique situation of each client.
All our nurses are RNs registered by the State of Nebraska. They are therefore subject to regular professional review for license renewal and to the State’s continuing education requirements.
NNC nurses have seen health care in action in many settings. We’ve been there. Because the health care system is not what it once was, we know that having an advocate can make a significant difference in the quality of care received. This is the essence of what we do. We advocate. We keep families informed. We are there to help keep clients comfortable and to maintain their strength, health, independence and safety. And we are there in the crisis to speak up clearly and professionally so that our clients get good care and their established directives are honored.
Meet Our Registered NursesWho We Serve
Most of our clients live in Lincoln and surrounding towns. We also provide phone consultations for people calling us from afar. In addition to services offered to individuals and families, NNC has consulted in projects related to rural health, nursing home life, music therapy, homelessness, elder nutrition, and developmental disabilities.
Our Logo

Nebraska Nursing Consultants' logo is an ancient Irish life symbol, possibly representing balanced elements of body, mind, and spirit!
This symbol is found on the entrance kerbstone of the ancient burial passage-tomb at Newgrange, County Meath, Ireland. The tomb was made in 3200 BC—that's 5,300 years ago, 2,500 years before the Celts reached Ireland and 500 years before the Great Pyramids in Egypt were made.
See http://www.knowth.com/newgrange.htm