Continuing Consultation (Service Option 2)
When professional assessment and realistic recommendations are needed about health and safety, Nebraska Nursing Consultants offers Continuing Consultation. Continuing Consultation can be a short-term service for a specified time or a longer-term service without scheduled visits. Visits schedule is flexible. For continuity of care, we recommend monthly or bimonthly visits. A visit every six months is required. Between scheduled visits, the NNC nurse is on-call and can be called at any time.Continuing Consultation offers many of the services available in the Care Management service option. However, because visits are less frequent, health monitoring is less comprehensive.
Who Seeks Continuing Consultation?
- A person who wants an RN to respond day or night.
- A relatively healthy person who has scheduled elective surgery and wants a nurse advocate during and after hospitalization.
- An elderly or disabled person who needs a nurse advocate while family is away on vacation or at a vacation home.
- A person recovering from illness or surgery wants occasional nurse visits to be sure optimum rehabilitation continues.
- A person who wants a nurse to accompany her/him to an occasional physician visit.
- A person with no available family who wants a professional to be available to visit if she or he becomes ill or injured.